Estimating curved crease solutions using collapsing floor plates

A little playing around this morning, using the free trial version of #limitstateslab‘s plastic yield line theory to generate crease and ruling meshes for curved creases. Two examples attached, one for Badger’s 1/4 circle energy method approach and one for Omar Kaddourah‘s kangaroo modelling of the Bhooshan 3 way node (which requires the mesh to be known before bending).

Interestingly, the Badger one actually finds the same buckling failure I found using other approaches (real materials vs mathematical ones). The 3 way node solution gives a slightly different mesh, with more concentrated areas of curvature. In both cases the difference between the found mesh and the proposed rulings would give you how difficult it would be to force that particular #curvedcrease into the desired shape.

It’s pretty approximate, as Limitstate:slab’s free trial doesn’t allow geometry to be imported, (and it’s not modelling stress-strain for aluminium or accounting for crease radius) but it is hugely fun that a algorithm for steel truss layout, adapted to concrete slab verification, can be used to indicate ruling patterns for curved creased aluminium panels.

One response to “Estimating curved crease solutions using collapsing floor plates”

  1. […] on the final shape from the crease pattern alone. It’s one of the hard problems, I’ve written on it previously, and I’ll post some of my work on it later. So how does he do […]


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